How to start an airsoft team. Once you have played airsoft you only want to play more. A team can really help you out with that. The more people you have playing the more opportunities you have to play.
Most teams start out as friends getting together to play, but if you want to play in a large scenario, you will need to seek out other airsoft enthusiasts. There are a few ways to do this.
- Ask everyone you know who they know that plays airsoft. You'd be surprised how many friends of a friend play airsoft.
- Post an ad seeking airsoft players on or
- Search forums for local groups
- Use social networking sites like facebook and myspace
These are the most effective ways I have found to find more players for airsoft.
If you want more than a get together, you need to hold practices and assign squad leaders. Each squad has a separate purpose whether it is sniping, gunning, reenforcement, etc. The leaders should be able to motivate their group and do it in a positive way. If personalities clash, chances are one person will leave.
Airsoft is an extreme sport that is loads of fun to play with many people. Having a team opens up more opportunities to travel the country playing airsoft against other teams. There is a gun for every type of player whether you want airsoft sniper rilfes, shotguns, semi-automatic rilfes, pistols, etc.